Joint Group for Swedish Computer Terminology

In Sweden today almost everyone comes into contact with computers. However, when speaking or writing about computers, English terms are often used for lack of Swedish ones. In order to give recommendations on which Swedish computer terms to use, the Joint Group for Swedish Computer Terminology, JOGSCOT, was established in 1996.

One of the quickest and most efficient ways of organizing terminology work for a specific subject field/sector has been found to be the joint group model. Already in 1996, the first group was formed: the JOGSCOT, the Joint Group for Computer Terminology (Svenska datatermgruppen). The objective of the joint groups for terminology is to create an adequate Swedish terminology in fields where English terms dominate, as well as to harmonize the existing terminology by analyzing the concepts and providing plausible definitions and explanations.

JOGSCOT includes national expertise both in computer technology and in terminology, general language planning, standardization and translation. These language cultivation representatives, subject field experts and media representatives take part on a voluntary basis, and this helps to pave the way for the recommendations given. A core group of 5 to 6 people meet once a month to work out pre-recommendations containing a Swedish equivalent to an English computer term and an accompanying comment, definition or explanation. These recommendations are then sent out for reference to a larger group. The whole group meets once a year and corresponds by e-mail in the meantime.

With the help of a website, where the terms and recommendations are published for anyone to use, the group has managed to establish itself as the reference for proper Swedish computer terminology, and the recommendations gain ground and appear in the media and as part of newly published glossaries.

The joint group model was exported to Norway, Finland and Greece during the Efcot-project, a project supported by the EU MLIS-program and concluded in 1999 with the formation of similar groups in the participating countries. […]

The success of these groups is partly due to their broad composition, and especially the fact that the media take part in the discussion and then use the terminology decided upon is crucial for the spreading of the terminology to a larger audience. The web technology has obviously also contributed to the work itself, and to the spreading of the results.